ADO.NET Entity framework Interview question PDF released

We are pleased to announce ADO.NET Entity framework interview question PDF you can download the same from here

What is Entity Framework?
What are the benefits of using EF?
What are the different ways of creating these domain / entity objects?
What is pluralize and singularize in the Entity Framework dialog box?
What is the importance of EDMX file in Entity Framework?
Can you explain CSDL, SSDL, and MSL sections in an EDMX file?
What are T4 templates?
What is the importance of T4 in Entity Framework?
How can we read records using Entity Framework classes?
How can we add, update, and delete using EF?
People say Entity Framework runs slow
Can you explain lazy loading in a detailed manner?
How can we turn off lazy loading?
How can we use Stored Procedures in Entity Framework?
What are POCO classes in Entity Framework?
How do we implement POCO in Entity Framework?
In POCO classes do we need EDMX files?
What is Code First approach in Entity Framework?
What is the difference between POCO, Code First, and the simple EF approach?
How can we handle concurrency in Entity Framework?
How can we do pessimistic locking in Entity Framework?
What are client wins and store wins mode in Entity Framework concurrency?
What are scalar and navigation properties in Entity Framework?
What are complex types in Entity Framework?
What’s the difference between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework?
What is the difference between DbContext and ObjectContext?

Watch the below ADO.NET Entity framework video which explains how to do CRUD operation.


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